What Stuttering Taught Me (I'm Glad I Didn't Quit)

Adam Hull and I after our speeches. Celebrating cause we rocked it! Check out Adam’s speech - My Struggle With Addiction Has Led Me To Helping Others

Adam Hull and I after our speeches. Celebrating cause we rocked it! Check out Adam’s speech - My Struggle With Addiction Has Led Me To Helping Others

On October 4th, 2019, I had the opportunity to be part of a lineup of incredible speakers in the inaugural Next Gen Talks:Oklahoma and despite having almost spent a decade regularly performing and speaking in front of others - I can still vividly remember a time when this accomplishment would have been anything but in my reach.

I’ve stuttered for as long as I can remember but I know for as much trouble it’s caused, I’ve been helped in more ways than I can imagine.

In 9th grade my stutter had transitioned to a season that was particularly frequent. I was frustrated and angry that I couldn’t read aloud, clearly say my name or sometimes even carry on a conversation without regularly leaning on awkward pauses, locked jaws or ‘ums’ and ‘likes’.

Although I believe there were other causes to my depression and anxiety - not being able to fluently form a sentence didn’t help. I had convinced myself, it would never get better. The way my stutter was is how it was always going to stay - or so I believed. Then one day I realized, things had gotten better.

I wasn’t sure how exactly and I wasn’t sure when. But they did.

At this present moment, a lot of my thoughts and history in relation to my stutter are spoken of in my speech. I’d love for you to watch it. It means a lot that I can share this story of my life with others. Once you’re done with my video, go watch the others! Seriously, they’re fantastic!

For now, I’m not sure what else to say other than I’m proud of where I’ve come. I’m proud of that boy who didn’t give up and who held his head high even without a guarantee that things would get better. But they did!

I’m going to leave you with a question (or maybe two haha)

First - What is something you’ve achieved that you never imagined you would be able to? Second - What is something you’re working to achieve that you have no idea how it will happen but you’re hopefully believing in the future?

Until next time.